Tuesday 17 October 2023

TV, Podcasts and Dad Jokes

 Wednesday 11 October 2023

The second meeting at our new venue, SCCUL, the room was packed and full of energy with both

new and familiar faces. It was the opposite of acrimonious, the chosen word of the night.

Acrimonious: (adj.) full of anger, arguments, and bad feeling

Our new President Kathy opened the meeting with a warm and encouraging welcome to the full house of members and guests.

Eugene led a lively topics session on the theme of TV - whether RTE is a quality broadcaster or not, the Kardashians and the obsession with celebrity, Big Brother and reality TV – and sport, 'How would you celebrate the Rugby World Cup?' (Unfortunately, this question turned out to be hypothetical.)

Baring it all on a podcast

SPEECH #1: Rob, 'Bear Bares'

Rob shared with us the journey to creating his podcast Bear Bares 

(Listen here: https://bearbares.podbean.com/), from personal struggles to creating a community and supporting

others. He shared practical tips on how to record and disseminate a podcast and encouraged others to give it a try.

The power of words

SPEECH #2: Brian, 'Encouragement'

Be kind, say something nice. We don’t know how impactful our words are. This was the message

that Brian got across in his inspiring speech, with a personal story that showed how kind words from a mentor at a challenging moment can make all the difference.

What do you call an accountant who does stand up?

Ivi regailed us with dad jokes for Creative Corner, such as Why did the triangle feel sorry for the

circle? Because it was pointless. Look out for Ivi at an upcoming Galway Comedy Festival or Toastmaster eventing 

- Jane

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