Sunday 26 May 2024

New Committee

15th May 2024 – New Committee

Our Annual General Meeting was held on this beautiful summer evening to elect a new committee for the upcoming year commencing on July 1st. Our President Kathy opened up the meeting, greeting members and guests. Martin then chaired the AGM, calling on the ongoing committee to read their reports on how the club did overall during the year, and what they learned and accomplished from their roles. Afterwards, a short election was held to determine the new committee which are as follows and congratulations to everyone:

 President – Rob

·         Past-President - Kathy

·         Vice President of Education – Brian

·         Vice President of Membership – Warren

·         Vice President of PR – Mona

·         Treasurer – Pat

·         Sergeant at Arms – Christine

·         Secretary – Husnain

Motions were then put forward by club members such as:

1.    All contests to be over and done by the end of November.

2.    Perform a dance with each report.

3.    Continue to use cafĂ© for main meetings.

4.    Summer party to be held at our venue for meetings.

We then moved to the usual meeting. Pat did a great job as ToastMaster, calling on the various officers to come up and explain their roles. The Grammarian was Mark, who gave the word of the day Temerity, which means the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment. Stephen put a unique twist on the Table Topics session by handing out lollipop sticks with numbers written on them to member.

There were two speakers for this evening, Mona and Connie. Mona presented her speech on her time as secretary for the club, including what she had and what ideas she brought to the committee. She especially emphasises that without the committee and the work they do, the club would simply not function. Connie’s speech was on different learning styles that people use to learn, and they are different for each person. Even though the projector wasn’t working, and she couldn’t show the presentation she had made, it was a great speech because she knew exactly what she wanted to say.

After the break, Frances gave her general evaluation on how the meeting when, including what went very well and could be improved upon. The officers read out each of their reports and the evaluators gave their feedback on how each of the speakers did. Bea read out a beautiful poem entitled “Hokusai Says” by Roger Keyes for her Creative Corner piece. Kathy then closed the meeting and the roles for the next meeting were filled.

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